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Solgar Male Multiple 60 tabs
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Specialized multivitamin for the needs of the modern man
It has a positive effect on good prostate health
It helps to achieve better levels of health and vitality

SOLGAR®'s Male Multiple Vitamin is an advanced formula designed to meet the modern man's specialized needs in order to achieve better levels of health and vitality.
It contains high nutrients and nutrients and additionally supplies the male body with zinc and lycopene, substances that can help in prostate health. At the same time, SOLGAR®'s Male Multiple Vitamin C contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements and herbal ingredients that help enhance a man's overall good health, such as B6, B12 and folic acid, which can lower homocysteine levels ( related to cardiovascular health). It also contains vitamins C and E, selenium and natural carotenoids which are important antioxidants.
The metals contained are chelated and manufactured by Albion Laboratories in accordance with strict specifications.

Specifically, SOLGAR® Advanced Male Multiple Formula:
It covers deficiencies in essential vitamins and nutrients
Offers energy & stimulation to the male body
It covers increased energy requirements
It fights mental and physical fatigue
Provides the male body with the information needed to maintain prostate health
Provides antioxidant action
It enhances the functions of the nervous system
It does not contain iron

It is ideal for:
every modern-day man who has a busy schedule
all men who want to shield their health and boost their body.
It is taken as a dietary supplement for adults, one to three (1-3) tablets daily with meals.


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