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Epsilon Health
Epsilon Health Algoral Infant Oral Solution 210ml
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Oral anti-reflux solution with simethicone and sodium alginate

Algoral infant Epsilon Health is a medical technological aid useful for the symptomatic treatment of all those conditions associated with gastroesophageal reflux (NERD, functional heartburn, hypersensitive esophagus to acid and non-acid reflux). Its viscous form, having the ability to adhere to and cover the mucosa of the esophagus, forms a protective barrier. Simethicone, thanks to its chemical-physical properties, reduces the surface tension of the gases present in the gastric fluid, favoring their elimination. This process relieves the pressure exerted by the gases on the gastric fluid, which is responsible for reflux. Sodium alginate forms a viscous barrier, capable of preventing the rise of stomach contents into the esophagus.
way of use
Bottle with dosing syringe and measuring spoon: Shake the bottle before use.
Adults: 5 to 15 ml, 2-3 times a day, preferably after meals or according to the doctor's advice. Children: 5 ml, 1-3 times a day, preferably after meals or according to the doctor's advice. Infants: 5 ml, 1-2 times a day, preferably after meals or according to the doctor's advice.
Keep away from children. Store the product properly closed and away from heat sources and sunlight. Avoid eye contact. In case of simultaneous treatment with other drugs and/or medical devices, consult your doctor before using the product.
Do not use the product after the expiry date. The expiration date refers to an undamaged product that has been stored properly. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the product should only be used in cases where it is deemed absolutely necessary and under the direct supervision of the doctor. Do not take the product in case of individual hypersensitivity to its components. Do not use the product for more than 30 consecutive days.
Failure to properly follow the warnings and instructions for use, as well as direct use of the dosing syringe by more than one person, could affect the effectiveness of the product, cause existing problems to worsen, or cause problems that did not exist before.


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