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Health Aid
Health Aid Guaramax 1000mg 30 caps
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Guarana extract 250mg

Guarana is a fruit, known since antiquity in the Brazilian region as a "food of the gods", consumed by the Athenians to meet their needs in their particularly harsh lives. Caffeine is its main active ingredient, due to its stimulating and rejuvenating properties.

HealthAid's Guaramax is made from sun-dried Guarani seeds and the extract is titrated to contain a high concentration of caffeine (10%) and to ensure a high yield. Very useful for those who work hard and have a very active and demanding lifestyle, those who need extra strength to respond to periods of overwork, athletes and those who lack self-concentration. It helps in cases of recuperation after high alcohol consumption.

No. Known for: 13216 / 16-02-09
The EOF notification number does not have an EOF marketing authorization.

Adults 1 capsule daily in the morning. It is recommended to take it for short periods at a time.


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